A hilarious, irresistible debut collection of six totally different stories with the same exact name...
In these six stories, set in six distinct worlds, you'll meet a boy and his robot nanny traveling the globe in search of the world's tastiest treat, a child mechanical prodigy who invents the freshest dessert ever, and an evil ice cream truck driver who strikes fear in the heart of every kid in town.
You'll be transported to a beachside boardwalk with an ice cream stand run by a penguin, a hilltop realm ruled by a king with a sweet tooth, and a giant alien space lab with a lone human subject who longs for a taste of home.
Each story features black-and-white interior illustrations from a different artist, including Daniel Salmieri, Charles Santoso, Liniers, Emily Hughes, Nicole Miles, and Seaerra Miller, making this book unlike any you've ever seen. And exclusive to the paperback, you'll also find six more stories inspired by The Ice Cream Machine, written by kids like you and hand-picked by Adam Rubin himself! So grab a cup or a cone, and watch out for brain freeze! You'll definitely want to save room for this treat.
RECOMMENDED FOR: 3rd - 5th Grade
OUR BOOKS ARE LISTED BY AGE GROUP to indicate that the content is engaging and appropriate for those selected ages. PLEASE NOTE: They may not be the appropriate reading level for every individual at those ages or may extend beyond the brackets.
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Publish Date: Hardcover - February 15, 2022 / Paperback - February 21, 2023
Pages: Hardcover - 384 / Paperback - 432
Dimensions: Hardcover - 5.8 X 8.3 X 1.5 inches | 1.2 pounds / Paperback - 5.2 X 7.2 X 1.7 inches | 0.7 pounds
Language: English
Type: Hardcover or Paperback
Condition: NEW