This simple yet powerful picture book - from a New York Times bestselling husband-and-wife team - tells the story of one girl who inspires a community to stand up to bullying. The perfect back-to-school read for every kid, family and classroom!
Inspired by real events, I Walk with Vanessa explores the feelings of helplessness and anger that arise in the wake of seeing a classmate treated badly, and shows how a single act of kindness can lead to an entire community joining in to help. By choosing only pictures to tell their story, the creators underscore the idea that someone can be an ally without having to say a word. With themes of acceptance, kindness, and strength in numbers, this timeless and profound feel-good story will resonate with readers young and old.
RECOMMENDED FOR: Pre-K - 2nd Grade
OUR BOOKS ARE LISTED BY AGE GROUP to indicate that the content is engaging and appropriate for those selected ages. PLEASE NOTE: They may not be the appropriate reading level for every individual at those ages or may extend beyond the brackets.
Publisher: English - Random House Studio / Spanish - Beascoa
Publish Date: English - April 24, 2018 / Spanish - July 31, 2018
Pages: English - 40 / Spanish - 32
Dimensions: English - 9.1 X 11.0 X 0.5 inches | 1.0 pounds / Spanish - 8.5 X 11.2 X 0.4 inches | 1.0 pounds
Language: English or Spanish
Type: Hardcover
Condition: NEW