This timeless fantasy debut follows four unlikely heroes - a boy-turned-dragon, his reluctant dragon rider, a runaway witch, and a young soldier - bound by the Fates to save their world, and magic itself, from being destroyed...
Blue, River, Wren, and Shenli grew up on different sides of a war they didn't start. Their land has been torn apart over centuries of conflict, with humans taught to fear all things magical, dragons driven to near extinction, and magic under attack. But an ancient prophecy has put the four them on a collision course with destiny - and with each other--in a mission to heal the fractured realm once known as Haven.
All of them must follow the threads of Fate, leaving behind the lives and homes they know to discover the truth about the seemingly endless war - and the truth about themselves. As the barriers between them begin to crumble, can they unravel the lies they've been taught to believe in order to restore the balance between humans, dragons, and magic before it's too late?
OUR BOOKS ARE LISTED BY AGE GROUP to indicate that the content is engaging and appropriate for those selected ages. PLEASE NOTE: They may not be the appropriate reading level for every individual at those ages or may extend beyond the brackets (which will be noted in the description below each book).
Publisher: Hardcover - Labyrinth Road / Paperback - Yearling
Publish Date: Hardcover - January 24, 2023 / Paperback - August 15, 2023
Pages: Hardcover - 416 / Paperback - 432
Dimensions: Hardcover - 5.67 X 8.35 X 1.42 inches | 1.14 pounds / Paperback - 5.19 X 7.63 X 0.94 inches | 0.62 pounds
Language: English
Type: Hardcover or Paperback
Condition: NEW